Friday, February 7, 2014

It's All About The Temples

Feb. 3, 2014

(or the pentiums baby...)

Hello my dear friends. I join you this week from the warm church as thick snow falls outside... its funny because the snow had almost melted from the last time hahaha jokes. and so it falls again. probs over the next three days we'll get 4-10 inches. #newengland

This week was a week of temples. The blessings they bring, the work they facilitate, the peace they foster-- all are testaments that the work of salvation is not for the living alone. We are called to be worthy to open doors for those who cannot open them. 

We had the opportunity to go to the Boston temple with our new convert, Brother Rafferty, this past Saturday. The process of getting there was full of miracles; we were able to get him a membership record number in 24 hours; after being held back on genealogy he found an obituary of a great uncle that opened up three more generations of names; we were able to get a slot in the temple for baptisms with only two days notice because another group canceled. 

I was the recorder and my companion and two other missionaries were witnesses as he was baptized for his father and grandfather, and Sister Carr was baptized for his sister, mother and grandmother. He told us afterward: "When my sister was confirmed, I felt her tell me "Thank you." I know her presence, and she accepted it." Sister Carr felt the same way. 

Now Brother Rafferty wants to come do genealogy every week for his ancestors. IS THAT NOT A MIRACLE?? The temple has power.

The Hartford Stake is working towards the goal of individual worthiness for the dedication of the Hartford CT temple in about two years. The site has been cleared and the footings are being poured right now. Elder Benedict and I were driving out to the site with Brother O from the ward yesterday when we all received revelation; we needed to go visit a less-active family and take them with us. So we did! We turned around, went to their house, told them we were kidnapping them to the temple, and they happily came along. While we were driving, the LA brother said "I know God wants me to be coming with you." He had been out trying to fly his helicopter but whenever he tried rain started. So eventually he decided to just go home. As he was driving it suddenly stopped raining and he got a text from his wife telling him to come home because the elders were taking them to the temple. When we got there and walked around he kept repeating that he knew God wanted him to be there... his wife kept telling us in her boston accent "I know yah guys do this on purpose but it's still working" hahaha
the funny thing? our biggest goal with this family is to prepare them for the temple. and the Lord's helping them get there little by little. 

Temples change all who enter in. I knew it intellectually before; now I know it in my heart. The Lord is accomplishing his work from both sides of the veil and our ancestors are aware of US. They rejoice in our success as we follow Christ. SO GO THERE AND DO IT. Or if you can't? Help others get there. All parts of the conversion process lead us there. 

I LOVE YOU ALL. I pray for you every day. BELIEVE IN YOUR DREAMS!

-Elder Jackson

pics: Brother Rafferty and the BOSTON TEMPLE

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