Thursday, January 2, 2014


Dec. 17, 2013

2,474 high fives to whoever translates that fastest. Or knows it without even translating. 

This lovely song translation is brought to you by 20 extra minutes before devotional on Sunday when I had a dictionary and certain classic environmental anthem stuck in my head. 

First things first-- Shoutouts for the week, and if I forget you don't feel bad:

To Ben Sirrine for surviving taxation without representation and being a successful east coaster. SLC calls but you now have a third home in the east. 

The Burns family in Belmont Ridge ward, for sending me a sweet hand-colored Christmas wish!

The Fairholm family also in BR ward, for a sweet and unexpected Christmas box!

Stephen Allred for being in the front row of the BYU Men's Chorus, who sang at our devo on Sunday. Couldn't say hello but the chorus sounded AMAZING. They sang O Magnum Mysterium which I loved.

Jenna for subject lines that I always understand--

Scott and Kiersten for 12 days of DearElders...
And everyone else who is alive and supporting the missionaries anywhere. 

If there's anything I came away with this week, it's the most sure surety of my life thus far that the gospel is true. And that knowledge comes by the witness of the Spirit, which I think is infused in the walls here (sacrilege) but I know the Livro de Mórmon is true. I know that this is the true church of God, and that Jesus Christ directs it and it could not exist in its present form otherwise. Sometimes we get into these funks where we forget what we know, we forget that we have received the witness of the Spirit and everything seems so unsure. If that happens to you this week, rely on my testimony. I know its true. 

And also... reading the Book of Mormon in portugues is incredibly different and incredibly more fulfilling for me. At least currently, I have to read so slowly that a chapter in 1 Néfi takes me 45 minutes but I get every.single.word... and the Spirit has the chance to teach me. I study with purpose, desiring revelation and having just enough faith that God will give it to me. At what point does it become not an experiment upon the word? maybe it always is. But I know that it has been, is becoming and forever will be delicious unto me. 

In other news:
I'm currently a part of three musical numbers set to audition this week, and I need to learn how to say no... but very happy to be able to play cello. Very very happy. 

Our leave date for the district has been delayed although we haven't gotten official word on that... but it'll most likely be Jan. 2 now. Keep putting Dec. 31st on letters and stuff but I think it'll change. Don't want missionaries traveling over holidays. 

Someone please send me and Elder Keene a DearElder with all the things that have happened in the world in the past month... Like politics or economy or kings dying or anything. Natural phenomenons. please
And can someone mail me a double-sided copy of the wikipedia article for Belo Horizonte, or the good parts of it? #christmas

Fun challenge for the week: read 1 Nefi 8 and compare the words in 24 and 30. In different languages if you can. 


Photos: 1) Doing laundry on p-day.  2) Enjoying cookies sent by Darren & Carey. 3) Some of the Ashburn Stake missionaries currently at the MTC.

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