Monday, August 4, 2014

Land of Light

First off, I want to share this video with anybody that can watch it.

Its the church's spotlight on cape verde and the growth of the church there. Its a fantastic video and one that we're going to share with the members and people we're teaching. 

This week was humbling. My weaknesses have been demonstrated to me, emotional,physical and spiritual, and I feel a strong desire to repent and do better. Most of all, I need to love the people here more. The struggle this week was a lack of accountability-- people not doing the things they said they would do. It culminated in 11 people who committed to come to church on Sunday (members and non-members) cancelling and not showing up , including one who got baptized last week skipping her confirmation. We never have all the details, and we never know fully the pressures people face, but I admit I was frustrated. And I started to blame it on the culture. And it took the presence of the Holy Ghost right out of me. 

So E. Lopes and Vecchi showed me the land of light video, which I had never seen. And I was reminded that no matter the culture, no matter the strength or deficiency, God is doing his work for His children. He reaches out to the isles of the sea, the lost children on every continent, and invites them to come unto him. To change and take steps towards exaltation. And every, single one of us qualifies for the Savior's grace, because we're not like Him yet. Doesn't matter if its the harvard grad or the brocktonian who can't read or write. Everyone needs Christ and his Atonement. Even missionaries. 

I have two weeks left here in Brockton, and I'm going to give them all to the Lord and to the people. Then its a new challenge and a new step forward. Grace by grace we learn, just like Christ did. 

Love you all! Sorry this one was so dang serious but sometimes thats just the way it is. 

Elder BDJ

ps. shoutout to Daniel and Ashley for successfully finishing their stay in Thailand and receiving another assignment in CAPE TOWN. WORD.
p.p.s sorry no pics. our presidente do ramo took my camera card so I won't have it for a few days hehe

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